We Were Liars by E. Lockhart is one of my favorite books currently. Reading this book gave me the chills and I couldn’t put it down.
We Were Liars takes place on this island called Beachwood Island where the residents of the Sinclair family have lived there for generations. The Sinclair family usually visits the private island during the summer. The main character, Cadence also called Cady, had an accident a few summers ago. She doesn’t remember anything during the accident but the accident caused her to have bad migraines. The doctors told her that her memories would slowly start to come back to her over time. When she starts to piece everything together and remembers everything, she finds out the truth about her accident and the lies her family has been hiding.
We Were Liars is one of my favorite books because the plot is amazing and the details are nicely written within the story. The plot has a lot of twists and it keeps me intrigued. The characters also play a big role in the story. The characters and the different personalities are all different and it ties the story all together. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy reading books with a lot of plot twists and enjoy reading books with a dark theme.
The author Emily Jenkins also known as E. Lockhart wrote We Were Liars in 2014 and wrote the sequel Family of Lairs in 2022. Some other books she has written are Genuine Fraud (2017), Again and Again (2020), and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (2008). E. Lockhart was born on September 13, 1967, in New York.
According to WHSmith.co.uk, E. Lockhart explains how she got the inspiration to write We Were Liars. “I got the idea to write about an island that was owned by one of the family because my own family has a very modest little house on Martha’s Vineyard Island, and every summer I used to go there,” Lockhart states.
We Were Liars, like I said earlier, is one of my favorite books right now. I hope you’ll give it a read and enjoy reading it as much as I did!