When a new school year arrives, we tend to feel some sort of sadness, whether that’s getting a new set of classes and feeling older, a birthday, or just the general feeling that you won’t experience what you already have again. As a sophomore in high school, I have been feeling this a lot recently when I think about my freshman year. Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever get better and I will not have as good of a year, but in some way, that’s the point of growing up.
Making new memories and being able to redefine happiness can lead to a great year. If you dwell on what isn’t there, you will be more focused on being sad that you might miss the wonderful experiences of the present. Growing up is a difficult thing on its own but adding the element of school can heighten its difficulty and stress. There are various ways to cope with these everlasting changes.
One way is to first acknowledge your feelings. This will help you categorize what you are dealing with and can lead to acceptance. This will help you realize, although it may take time, that it’s a very normal thing to feel sad about. Everyone has felt this way at some point in their life, so you aren’t alone. You can also talk about it with someone you trust, whether it be to a friend, a parent, a teacher, or just writing it down. Learning healthy coping mechanisms will allow you to get your thoughts off of your chest and possibly get another opinion. Trying to embrace change instead of dwelling on to the bad parts will help prevent you from missing many good things. You are only going to be the age you are once, and time is only going forward.
Besides the emotional turmoil, school can play a huge aspect as well. One tip to help minimize these sad feelings is by starting your year with a routine and goals with a routine. Goals can help you be very organized and have something to look forward to. Having things in the future will help you grow further from the past and can oftentimes give you the push you need to be able to live in the moment. Overall, growing up is a difficult thing that everyone is bound to experience in their lives, but how you decide to react and adapt to it will determine your outcomes.