Little Shop of Horrors and The Little Prince Auditions
September 5, 2019

On Sep. 3, students gathered outside room 123 in order to audition for Canyon RSE’s fall mainstage shows. This semester, the theater program is putting on The Little Prince for the play, and Little Shop of Horrors for the musical.

The Little Prince, based off the novella, follows an aviator as he crashes in the Sahara Desert and befriends the Little Prince, who tells him stories of his home planet. Little Shop of Horrors follows Seymour, a florist who deals with the consequences of feeding people to a talking, carnivorous plant in order to achieve success.
The auditions drew in many different kinds of students, all waiting for their turn to go inside and show the directors, Miguel Cardenas and Alexis Standfeild, their talents. This was junior Sophia Rangel’s first time auditioning for a Canyon show as she recently transferred from Foothill High School. “I’m a bit nervous, but I’m excited. I’ve never done anything at Canyon, but it’s something that I’ve wanted to do since I’ve transferred”. She was one of the many incoming students hoping to join the program.
Other students waiting outside have been doing this for years, such as senior Ethan Fisher, ASB Commissioner of the Arts and third-year drama student. “[The fall shows are] really fun, and I enjoy working with everyone here”.
Each student had to prepare their audition material to perform at the auditions, including a monologue from the play and a 16-bar cut from a song of their choice for the musical.
After each group, the actors wait nervously as the stage manager Amanda Blunt (sophomore) comes and hands out callback sheets, which tell each student the roles they are called back for the second rounds of auditions that Friday.

“I think they went pretty well,” said sophomore and second-year drama student Sam Terreri. “I just like the community, and I really like the shows they are doing”.
Make sure to come and see Little Shop of Horrors Nov. 5-8 and The Little Prince Nov. 19-22!