Competition Overload
September 17, 2019
Competition holds a whole new level in high schools today compared to the past. There is no doubt that competition surrounds us in every aspect of our life. People lose long-lasting friendships or get into fights with each other’s families over this one issue. So why are high schoolers losing their mind trying to be #1 all the time?

“Who got the highest grade in class?”
“Who is on the most club boards?”
“Who has the highest GPA?”
These are questions constantly roaming around students’ heads. They are stressing themselves up to a breaking point which can lead to burnouts, anxiety, and in some cases, depression.
Sometimes this is a good thing. It leads to people eventually bettering themselves which is always a positive effect. In other cases, aggressive competitions will lead them to conclude that it is completely pointless, which in a sense, is also a good effect as they become more carefree and less self-critical.

Inevitably, there are competitions with negative outcomes. High school is an example of this. Constant pressure brought upon students from their parents and college admissions to succeed and be better than everyone leads to students becoming selfish in succeeding. In addition, they become extremely self-conscious and self-depreciating of themselves.
What people don’t see is by comparing themselves constantly to other people, they forget about their own achievements. Everyone should have their own definition of success and not stress so much about competing to be the best of the best all the time. By doing this, they are blocking their view to THEIR path to success.
It’s time for people to let other people live their lives and for competition to decrease in high schools because it’s deteriorating overall student health.

Instead of constantly competing, people should begin helping others succeed to live out their full potential. If this cycle of helping each other out was to occur, inspiration will bloom and everyone will be happy with themselves and not so caught up about others.