What is the Best Girl Scout Cookie?

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Jillian Para, Writer

Girl Scout cookie season is almost as exciting as the Christmas season. There is really nothing more pleasing than to open up that first box of cookies in the year. There has been an on-going debate over which cookie is truly the best. 

I believe all girl scout cookies are good, but my least favorite cookie is Peanut Butter Sandwiches, or DO-SI-DOS. These are the cookies your grandmother buys. These cookies are dry and lack flavor.

Next is Shortbreads. You can’t go wrong with just a basic cookie. This is a safe flavor and is very “snack-able”, but plain. Buying Shortbreads is like buying vanilla ice cream. 

The next best cookie is S’mores. S’mores itself is already a questionable flavor just because there is not a distinct taste when you think of S’mores. I can compare this cookie to candy corn in the sense that after eating one, there is no reason to go back to more. 

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This next cookie is going to cause some controversy; regular Thin Mints. Thin Mints are probably one of the most recognizable cookies that Girl Scouts produce, but it gets “over-hyped”. These cookies melt easily, despite their waxy texture, and I am constantly expecting more mint flavor out of them.  

Lemonades is another “alright” cookie. They are surprisingly sweet, despite their name. Nothing is really wrong with these cookies despite that they lack variation. Lemonades are only good if you eat one a day. They are basically just Shortbreads with lemon extract.

One of my favorite cookies growing up was Thanks-a-Lots. These cookies are the perfect snack. The flavor isn’t overwhelming with sweetness, so eating a few in one sitting just feels right. Plus these cookies are very thankful. 

One on the best cookies is Peanut Butter Patties, or Tagalongs. These cookies undeniably tasty. It has a perfect ratio of crunchy to soft that creates a perfect bite. If you love peanut butter, these are the cookies for you. 

In the number two spot is frozen Thin Mints. These are just like regular thin mints, but with extra “shipping and handling”. Leaving thin mints in the freezer changes an “okay” cookie into a great one. Freezing Thin Mints truly brings out the mint flavor of the cookie. It also doesn’t melt as easily. 

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The best Girl Scout cookies is Caramel deLites, or Somoas. There are countless reasons why this cookie is so good. Many are hesitant to try a cookie with coconut, but the coconut ads the perfect flavor and texture to the cookie. This sweet cookie is perfectly chewy and soft. This is a cookie that should be sold all year round. Even if this cookie costed ten dollars, it would still be worth it.