Woman of 25 Helps Corona-Fearful Elderly Couple Buy Groceries
April 7, 2020

On the morning of March 11, a 25-year-old Oregan woman named Rebecca Mehra helped an old couple in fear of the coronavirus pandemic buy their groceries.
Mehra tweeted about the incident later that day: “I went to the grocery store this afternoon. As I was walking in I heard a woman yell to me from her car. I walked over and found an elderly woman and her husband. She cracked her window open a bit more, and explained to me nearly in tears that they are afraid to go in the store.”
The old woman then proceeded to give Mehra a list of groceries plus a 100 dollar bill. She went into the store and bought the groceries, and after putting them in the trunk of the couple’s car, it was expressed to Mehra by the old woman that they had been waiting for 45 minutes, waiting for someone they thought could help them before asking her.
Mehra said in a Fox News interview that this was a realization to her that other people in her community are being more heavily affected than her.
In the interview, Mehra also urged people to, “check on our neighbors and call our grandparents and our parents,” because, as most have heard, the elderly are the most vulnerable in the coronavirus pandemic.
“They’re having a really hard time. There are folks who feel like they can’t even go in grocery stores so we need to check on our neighbors and call our grandparents and our parents and help elderly folks get their basic essentials.”
Even after being on multiple interviews and receiving 573,000 likes and counting on her original post, she attributed her good deed to coincidence and said she knew many people who would’ve done the same. But that doesn’t take away from how kind and compassionate her actions were, and it serves as a good reminder to people to be kind and look out for others.