OUSD Online Learning Information

August 19, 2020
Hello Comanches!
Due to COVID-19, this fall semester has been limited to socially distant learning in order to help curb the spread of the pandemic, and keep the staff and students at Canyon High School healthy. OUSD has come out with an outline on how this semester is going to work, and how each class day is going to look.
Phase One of socially distant learning is 100% online. This means students are engaged in daily, virtual classes with their teachers, and students are not allowed on campus. The semester is split into two quarters, each with block learning. Quarter 1 is from August 19- October 14. Quarter 1 is composed of only student’s odd classes (0, 1, 3, 5). Class periods have been shortened from 100 minutes to 80 minutes. Quarter 2 is from October 15- December 18, and is composed of the student’s even classes (0, 2, 4, 6). These classes follow the same schedule as classes in Q1. Phase 1 will be enacted until Orange County is taken off the state watchlist, and has a steady decrease in COVID cases for 14 days straight, as mandated by local health officials.
Phase Two of socially distanced learning consists of “Modified In-Person Instruction” As of right now, phase 2 will allow students to choose from the following options:
• Full Day at school with social distancing. Number of days in classroom depends on student requests (could be 2-5 days)
• 100% distance learning option retaining enrollment status at student’s home secondary site
Phase two continues the 3×3 block schedule as seen in phase 1 until the end of the semester. Students are allowed to change which model they partake in between the quarters in order to allow for flexibility.
Phase Three is the return to normal schooling operations. This will be enacted once California enters stage 4 of their COVID management plan.
For more information, please visit the 2020-21 learning page on Canyon High School’s website: https://www.canyonhighschool.org/20-21schoolyear