Club Carnival

 Last week, Canyon High School held a virtual Club Carnival, allowing students to sign up for clubs and stay active with school.

On Thursday, the website was released to the Canyon student body, allowing them to sign in with a password and browse through all 60+ clubs that are available this semester. The clubs ranged anywhere from being volunteer and fundraising-based such as the Red Cross and Liberty in North Korea clubs, to clubs meant to gather students of similar interests and to promote togetherness such as Writer’s Block and Safe Space Alliance.

Each club was ordered in Alphabetical order, with each sub-page featuring about 10 clubs.

Within these sub-pages, students were able to click on a specific club and be taken to a screen featuring that club, with a creatively made banner to describe the club’s goals and purposes as well as a sign up option at the bottom. All of this allowed the student body to still get the experience of learning about each club and signing up to participate in the ones they liked in an easily accessible way, just without the usual crowds in the quad and free pizza.

Behind the scenes, board members of the Canyon clubs were working hard to stay connected to the student body weeks before Club Carnival. Instead of the usual setting up of tables and making posters and flyers for lunch time on the day of the Carnival, clubs were promoting via sending out messages through as well as regularly posting to I

nstagram accounts and working to get as many followers as possible to increase their reach.

All in all, even amidst all of the changes that COVID has brought, Canyon High School was able to make Club Carnival a success, still being able to feature clubs and showcase them individually in an innovative and creative way, allowing students to connect with school events from home.