How Pets Affect our Lives

Pets effect our lives in many ways and interactions with them can improve our well being.

Many families nowadays own one or more pets, whether that be a cat or dog, or a more unique pet like a snake. About 68% of all houses have pets and many of them have become like family members. But how does a pet affect our lives in both positive and negative ways? Pets affect our lives in many positive ways. Though research on the effects pets have on humans is relatively new, there are many effects that have been proven. Interacting with animals has been proven to both lower stress-inducing hormones and lower blood pressure. Other studies have also shown they can lower loneliness, boost moods, and give more of a social support feeling. Studies are also being done to see if an animal connection can help with child development and if it can alter what happens with a child’s development. 

For elementary school students, their studies are almost the same. Studies have shown that students were calmer when playing with pets such as guinea pigs in the classroom. Children also have better social interactions with other peers and are much more likely to make friends. The research shows that animals offer unlimited connection and make a calm comfort for students. But what are some of the cons of having pets in the classroom? Some argue that having pets in the classroom can cause distractions and the pets can get easily stressed from too many people around them. Kids who grow up with pets can also be less prone to allergies from pets such as dogs and cats, some of the most common allergens. 

For teens, the effects that animals have on them can be a little different but still provides great results. For a pet like a fish, requiring daily feedings and weekly water checks, pets can provide a sense of responsibility and also gives them maturity knowing they are responsible for the pet. It also can give teens the safety of knowing someone is there for them when going through one of the hardest times in their life, their teen years. Pets also can lower blood levels and help with stress among many other things. Pets can also form closer bonds between teens and others in friendships and relationships. Teens also can learn what it is like to be responsible for someone other than themselves. 

Even though pets can be amazing, pets might not be for everyone and every family. Families who are busy and who are gone for long periods may not do as well with a high-maintenance pet such as a rabbit whereas a pet such as a fish would be much better. Whether a pet is good or not, no matter what, having interactions with pets can help in many ways and often can help with social interactions and some levels of things such as stress. People also can look into volunteering to still get pet interactions without taking on the full responsibility of a pet that they may not be ready for.