Why is Studio Ghibli so Popular?

Why Studio Ghibli movies have become so famous.

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio, that has produced about 23 movies so far. The real question though is why are they so popular? There are hundreds of animation studios, but most of them are not nearly as popular as Studio Ghibli. In 2001, their first movie was produced, Spirited Away. Little did they know that this movie would grow to be the sensation of the decade, with over $300 million dollars made just at the local box office. This movie was unlike any other movie. It had an unusual but interesting plot, with characters that share many differences. It follows a 10 year – old girl and her parents as they arrive at a deserted theme park, that turned to not just be any old theme park. It had spirits and creatures, that turned her parents into pigs. Throughout the movie, her goal is to find a way to get her parents back to normal. The first time I watched this movie, I was incredibly weirded out, but also in awe. This movie is popular because of how different it is and unique. The following movies produced of course have different plots and themes, but they all share the same concept of otherworldly activities and characters. Studio Ghibli has created a fan base like no other, with people giving immense love for all their work and purchasing all sorts of creative merchandise.  All these movies have some sort of nostalgia that accompanies them as you watch, even if you haven’t ever watched them before. I personally grew up watching, Ponyo – a cinematic masterpiece, that I could never forget. All around Canyon High School, I see students with Studio Ghibli movies merchandise from all their bags to their shirts. People love these movies no matter their age or beliefs and we all hope they keep making movies, for future generations to continue to enjoy.