Thrifting is a complicated art form that one must master. I know this is quite a bold statement but it is completely true. It has taken me years to acquire the level of skill I have in thrifting so, I am more than qualified to provide a crash course on why you should thrift. I am also here to provide some tips and tricks for those of you readers who would like to improve your second-hand technique.
Why Choose Thrifting?
- Pricing
If you take a second to look at some higher-end fashion brands or fast fashion companies you will see a variety of things. Places like Urban Outfitters, Target, and Brandy Melville carry unoriginal clothing that anyone could buy at a ridiculous price in some cases. Comparatively when you thrift, the chances of buying and seeing that item out in public are less than likely. I compared the average prices for women’s clothing at my local Savers and Urban Outfitter’s website ( to find some shocking statistics. At Savers, you can get seven shirts for the price of one at Urban.

- Environmental
When shopping at companies that mass produce, you are actively contributing to the global waste problem. This includes plastic packaging, emissions from creation and shipping, and the amount of clothes that get thrown out simply because they aren’t bought. According to The Center of Biological Diversity, “The fast fashion industry is… responsible for as much as 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions.” The scary truth is that we need to wake up to the alarms going off every day in the climate crisis and one step in the right direction is choosing second hand.
- Personal Growth
As a thrifter of over five years, I can confidently say that a lot of my self-expression came from items at local stores. If it weren’t for the kooky clothes I find going down each aisle, the DvDs I started to collect that got me into film, the books I bought to read, or the little knick-knacks I adopted that lay scattered around my room, I would not be the person I am today. These shops supply such a unique outlet of discovery because of the pure mysterious role it serves. You will never anticipate what you may find in there and that is just the tip of the iceberg of appeal these stores provide.
If my reasoning on why you should switch to thrift didn’t convince you before then maybe these two awesome experts can! I asked these lovely people, “What is your favorite part about thrifting?” and here is what they had to share:
“My favorite part is getting to find new and interesting clothes with character. It makes me feel better knowing everything has a backstory, and aren’t all just mass produced. Also, being an unemployed high schooler interested in fashion, the cheaper price is very convenient for me!!” – Fawn Rinker (11)
“My favorite part about thrifting is one of its most underrated elements. I have always been frustrated by the fact that new clothing often shrinks after it hits the washing machine and the dryer. I love that thrifted clothes have usually already gone through that cycle, maybe multiple times, so what you see is really what you get. I don’t have to worry about it changing after I get it.” – Mr. Bies, Canyon High School teacher
What wonderful quotes from both of them! I love how Fawn mentions the “backstory” of the pieces you may pick out. It really makes you think, ‘Wow where has this traveled? What adventures were had?’ A very whimsical and fun side of thrifting. On the contrary, Mr. Bies brings up a perfect example of thrifting’s practicality and how much more reliable it is than buying brand new.
For the past few years shopping second-hand has gained a lot of traction as a trend and I’ve watched it slowly dwindle down. Well, I want to bring it back louder than ever. With all the hate in the world, “cancel culture”, and drama on the internet, this trend will bring forward a guiding spirit led by self-confident, environmentally aware people with the heart to give artifacts lost in time a second chance to venture again. Always remember that places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Savers are welcome to anyone who wishes to walk through their doors. There will always be the perfect something just for you, you just have to know how to look.
Post Credits Scene
“You’re still here? It’s over! Go home!” I’m joking, don’t listen to Ferris, you are more than welcome to stay and listen to some tips from yours truly! I have been asked many times, ‘How do you find good clothes at Savers?’ The answer is all within my strategy when going there.
The first thing I do is make sure to bring some donations. At a lot of thrift stores, they have a donation center. Bringing items will get you a 20% off coupon and tax reduction. Then, I walk through the doors and go immediately to grab a cart. Now is the time to actually do some shopping. I will always go up and down every aisle and through basically every piece of clothing hung up to ensure I am thorough and don’t miss anything. Another thing I do simultaneously is place intriguing items in my cart. This way, I can reevaluate what I will be getting after I am completely done while being able to budget and figure out what I truly want and can afford. Finally, I try to have an open mind, this is crucial because so many items I was uncertain about became clear to me once I asked myself, ‘can I style this?’ A lot of the time I realize that imagining this makes the decision simpler and then I usually am left with an outfit stored in my noggin once I get my item washed and home.
Alright, that will conclude my first weekly article! I hope you got at least a little tidbit of knowledge to further your journey into the second-hand world.