The Nun Movie Review

The movie The Nun, came out on September 6th, 2018. It is the fifth movie in The Conjuring universe. The story begins with the encounter of a nun who has taken her life in Romania. A priest and a soon-to-be nun are sent to investigate the situation. They uncover a secret and risk their lives and their souls to go against an unholy nun. There was action throughout the whole movie, which made it even more interesting to watch. It was also frightening and had multiple jump scares. It is a dark film with a great plot and had a lot of suspense. There are multiple twists in the movie that lead to The Conjuring itself, which should be looked out for. The movie made me feel somewhat anxious, but it also had some silly moments. It was only 96 minutes long, and while it could have been longer, it is still a good movie to watch if you like horror films.

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