Five Dollar Dates

Dates can get pricey. However, there are several ways for people to impress their lovers without breaking the bank. Here’s how to plan a good date idea without spending a pretty penny:

  • Buy a Little Caesar’s pizza– Have you ever seen those t-shirts saying “Pizza is Love?” Well, the designer didn’t make the shirt to capitalize on this generation’s wacky sense of humor. Since pizza is such a great shareable food, it makes for a perfect meal for two. If they don’t like pizza, you should find another date.
  • Go to your local park– The park is a good idea for a date since you can walk around and play on the playground, until you get yelled at for being too old to do so. Combine this with the Little Caesar’s pizza, and it will be a great date.
  • Buy a $5 dollar foot-long and cut it in half– It’s a simple date idea, but it gets a little tricky when you both need to agree on what goes in the sandwich.
  • Go to Redbox and rent a movie– The best part about this date is that you’ll have leftover money from the movie that can be spent on popcorn.
  • Play a board game– There is no cheaper way to burn time and have fun, then to play a board game.Since most board games require a minimum of four players, you may want to have a double date.

Although it would be outrageous to not enjoy any one of these dates, it is possible your date may never talk to you again when you take them to Subway, but your date may find it charming that you like to go cheap instead of going to the Italian restaurant that microwaves their pasta. Of course, there are many other options, like hiking and riding bikes together, but dates are different for everyone.

*Images courtesy of Google Images