What Inspires Me

The word inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. Each and every person draws inspiration from something, whether it’s from a person, place, or a certain object. Someone always has somebody to cheer them on to the very end. According to Reliable Plant, a person can encourage others if they “limit the amount of time or effort that you’re asking for, share in the sacrifice, and appeal to their emotions.”

I, of course, have my own source of inspiration which comes from my two best friends. One is a junior student from Villa Park High School, named April Montano. My other best friend is Adrien Arellano, also a junior, but a student from Canyon High. The only difference is that they are obviously both from different schools and opposite genders. However, they both serve the same purpose, which is to motivate me.

Emily’s friend April inspires her to always be herself. Image courtesy of Emily Hernandez.

I met April four years ago at El Rancho Charter School. I, being the edgy pre-teen I was, didn’t know anyone and isolated myself from the others. Socializing was one of the things I hated the most, so I always had bitterness to work on group projects, and I insisted that my teacher let me work alone. There was nothing I had against anyone. I was too scared to try because I didn’t want to face the fact that someone could judge me for who I was. I always sat underneath a specific tree, eating my lunch. It went on like this for two to three months, until a certain someone walked into my life. As I was on my spot, she asked if she could sit next to me. I nodded in response. Wanting to break the awkward silence, she started the conversation. Before I knew it, I started to gain this connection with her. I never knew that in the end we would have so much in common. She inspires me because of how she is not afraid to show her true personality. She showed me to let your colors to shine through.

Although Emily and Adrien met in one of the most unlikely places, their friendship has grown into something that inspires Emily. Image courtesy of Emily Hernandez.

As for my other best friend, I met him during my freshman year. Since April and I parted ways, the same concept happened again. I never really had any classes with him or saw him during lunch. You’re probably wondering: how did you even meet this guy then? Well, I met him in the most inconvenient place: the bus. I remembered clearly that I was sitting on the bus, waiting while looking for drawing reference of a specific video game. He soon hopped on the bus, but as he searched around there weren’t any available seats. He hesitantly turned towards me, asking if he could sit next to me, and I gladly let him. Five minutes later we were both in an awkward silence. From the corner of my eye, I could see him curiously leaning over to see what I was doing. He commented that he knew the game, and we started talking. Later on, we started hanging out. Today, he told me, “Dude, what were the chances of me ever having to meet you. If I didn’t go to this school, my life would just be an area of grey to be honest.” He inspires me to meet new people, make friends, and enjoy life. He showed me that not everything in life is so bad.

The funny thing is, I knew someone even longer than April and Adrien. I knew him since I was in fifth grade in Clara Barton Elementary. His name was Neily Ray Lang. You would think I would be best friends with that person, but I am not. I will admit that he is incredibly different now than he was before. Which, in all honesty, the way he changed into someone better is also my inspiration. I want to reach for that and achieve it in the future.

Anyone or anything can be inspiring to you in any way. It’s what makes you go for it and encourages you to never stop.