Why Recovery is Important in Training

Active rest day (Maria Avila)

Even though resting your body sounds like a crazy way to grow your muscles, it’s actually the most important way. People who tend to train more days of the week are less likely to see faster results. This is because your body is always active and you’re not allowing yourself to rest, which means slower muscle growth. It’s important to allow yourself to recover at least twice a week. Resting days can be followed one by the other, or spread out throughout the week.

During a rest period, your muscles grow, expand, and of course recover to have stronger muscles for better performance and new PR’s (personal record). Exceeding the limit your body can bear can lead to a lot of negative situations in the body. Those complications can be things like joints and other muscles being too exhausted to train, and just overall injury. Over training can also cause mental exhaustion, lack of consistency, and more mistakes when it comes to form.

Rest days don’t necessarily mean sleeping in bed all day. An active rest is a day where your workouts are not as intense as your training days. This may look like going for an outdoor walk or cycling on a bike. A recommended rest day would be to stretch or do yoga. After all of that heavy lifting, your body needs that full stretch to loosen up. Failure to perform warm ups or stretches can cause irritation and pulled muscles.

Lazy rest days simply like sitting all day isn’t bad at all either, as long as you’re getting the rest your body needs.

How will you know if you’re fully recovered?

You’ll know you’re fully recovered by starting off the new week with recovered muscles and a fresh mindset. You are also likely to be more motivated, and you’ll want to train just as hard. It’s more of a feeling and a sense of clarity.

If you were to train non stop, you’re hurting yourself more than helping. Excessive training will not benefit you, resting will!
